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Citizen-led renovation
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The Support service for Citizen-led renovation (CLR) is an EU initiative aiming to empower existing and prospective energy communities to put citizens in the driver’s seat for energy-saving renovation projects. Our support service for four selected pilots in Ireland, Portugal, Belgium and Bulgaria is underway to strengthen community building and assist in replicating programmes for energy renovations of buildings, including insulation, new technical systems and installing renewables. 

Phase I assisted four pilot projects in overcoming financial, legal, technical, and informational barriers to deliver sustainable residential buildings.

In Phase II, CLR enhances its tailored support services for selected Pilots, Learners, and Followers by providing various levels of assistance. This includes one-on-one sessions, webinars, workshops, peer-to-peer learning, and community-driven events aimed at strengthening local capacities and replicating successful energy renovation models.

Building on this foundation, Phase III of the Support service is scaling up by establishing a network of ten organisations (energy agencies, one-stop-shops for home renovations, energy communities, associations...) to support widespread citizen-led renovation. With a stronger infrastructure and an expanded support network, CLR aims to empower more citizens and communities to drive the transition toward energy-efficient and resilient buildings across Europe.


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Join established and emerging energy communities across the EU that participate in the Citizen-led renovation support service.

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  • News announcement

On November 13th, our energy community pilot Izgrei from Bulgaria will be hosting a workshop on all things renovations led by citizens, fostering valuable networks and sharing insights on how to make our homes more sustainable and eco-friendly!

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