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Citizen-led renovation

Triple SEC (Ireland)

About the Pilot

Launched in 2021 with the support of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), CC SEC’s core mission is to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Funded by SEAI and local councils, it promotes energy efficiency in a variety of spaces. In 2023, Connecting Cabra joined forces with Phibsboro Village Climate Club SEC and Cosybatter SEC to form the Triple SEC initiative to promote sustainable change in the north of Dublin City. Triple SEC also faces challenges due to the diversity of buildings in the area, navigating local grants, institutional barriers, community engagement, and understanding of energy regulations. The initiative is in the process of formalising its structure, which requires both financial and administrative fine-tuning.


Ireland pilot factsheet
  • General publications
  • 22 November 2023
Ireland pilot factsheet

Ireland has great potential for a positive change in the energy consumption of buildings. To capitalise on this, the National Retrofit Plan 2022 aims to retrofit 500,000 homes by 2030, emphasising the country’s commitment to sustainable post-pandemic recovery and robust energy efficiency in buildings. This commitment is underlined by initiatives such as Ireland’s Renewable Electricity Support Scheme (RESS), which is driving the nation towards its renewable energy ambitions. A shining example of this progress is Cabra, an urban village in Dublin, where the Connecting Cabra Energy Community (CC SEC) initiative symbolises a shift towards a greener future. In Cabra, for example, retrofitting homes promises annual energy savings of more than 77 million kWh. In addition, the introduction of 2 MW of solar PV could generate a further 1.8 million kWh per year.


Our support

To support such energy communities, the Citizen-led renovation (CLR) initiative provides Triple SEC with a holistic support from project management, ecosystem building, and business plan drafting to the technical design and community communication and engagement strategies. CLR’s tasks span administrative responsibilities, building a business strategy for the Irish pilot, and aiding Triple SEC in the communication and engagement efforts.

Objectives under the CLR initiative

Activities under the CLR initiative

  • In-person workshop on visions and expectations; site visit to the communities, 11.11.2023
  • Talk at the 15th Citizen Energy Forum, 09.11.23
  • Workshop on business case and technical design, 07.12.2023
  • Discussion on the essential KPIs, 18.12.2023
  • Triple SEC: Solar PV webinar, 06.02.2024
  • Technical support meetings and business case development, 24.01.2024, 08.02.2024 and 15.02.2024
  • Communication and technical support, 28.02.2024
  • Connecting Cabra Event: Warner Home Grant Scheme, 13.04.2024
  • Technical support meeting, 24.04.2024
  • Stoney Batter CLR Event, 22.06.2024

More Information

Triple SEC energy communities
Pilot InformationConnecting Cabra SECPhibsboro Village Climate Club SECCosybatter SEC
LocationDublin 7Dublin 7, 9, 11Dublin 7
Legal FormUnincorporated Association
Established in year202120182020


  • Activities
    • Development of an EMP
    • Selected participants offered Building Energy Rating, assessments for free as part of the EMP
    • Information regarding retrofitting and renewable energy grants made available to members.
    • Personal experiences and lessons learnt of retrofitting projects made available to members.
    • Local engagement events surrounding energy, active travel and biodiversity
  • Future aims/ Perspectives
    • Triple SEC has the perspective to offer a community led option for renewable energy & energy saving measures that are affordable to all.
    • Leverage partnerships with local institutions such as Technological University Dublin (TUD), Dublin City Council, local businesses, local schools and other community groups.
    • Establish themselves as a legal entity to allow them to actually support the delivery of innovative renewable energy projects.
    • Develop a “How To” guide for other communities to follow for community-led renewable energy projects.


  • 16 NOVEMBER 2023
Triple SEC - Pilot Summary



Solar Panels
  • General publications
  • 14 February 2024
Turning Sunlight into Savings!

Have a look at what was discussed in the pilot's webinar, held on Tuesday, 6th February 2024 in Dublin.