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Citizen-led renovation

Climate Walk

🤔 What is it for? 

Climate walks increase awareness, knowledge, empathy and emotional response to local climate change impacts, initiatives and opportunities.

They build an understanding and support for local/regional/national/EU climate policies and the European Climate Pact.

🛠️ How to use it? 

Lead a guided tour through your neighborhood to showcase sustainable practices on the ground and inspire others to take action. Tell a story of how we can tackle the impacts of climate change and develop concrete solutions. Showcase citizen and community initiatives supporting the green transition... and have fun!

🎯 Who would be targeted? 


🏠 Adaptation to citizen-led renovation 🏠🔧

Renovation Walking Tour: The guided tour could focus on buildings that have been renovated, or on buildings with solar installations, etc.

🔗 Useful Links: