The support service for Citizen-led renovation (CLR) is an EU initiative aiming to empower existing and prospective energy communities to put citizens in the driver’s seat for energy-saving renovation projects. Our support service for four selected pilots in Ireland, Portugal, Belgium and Bulgaria is underway to strengthen community building and assist in replicating programmes for energy renovations of buildings, including insulation, new technical systems and installing renewables. We are currently helping the four pilot projects to overcome financial, legal, technical and informational barriers and deliver future-proof residential buildings. As we enter CLR Phase II, we are expanding our support services to cater to our selected Pilots, Learners and Followers with various levels of support, combining one-on-one sessions, webinars, workshops, peer-to-peer learning and events.
Latest News
The Citizen-led renovation Pilot Castello Green House, Ferrara's first Citizen Energy Community (CER) cooperative, has participated in the "Fossil-Free Cities" event in Brussels.
Building on the experiences and the knowledge acquired during previous phases, the citizen-led renovation initiative is now scaling-up.
As part of ongoing efforts to support citizen-led renovation initiatives, the Support Service for Citizen-Led Renovation recently organised a dedicated workshop with the Belgian pilot project, ZuidtrAnt.
Triple SEC has been awarded the Inspirational Sustainable Energy Community category at the SEAI 2024 Energy Awards.
On 1 November 2024, the Izgrei Energy Community hosted its final event in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, marking the conclusion of its participation in Phase I of the Citizen-Led Renovation (CLR) initiative.