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Citizen-led renovation
  • News announcement
  • 20 July 2023
  • 1 min read

Launch of the citizen-led renovation website: presenting 4 pilot energy communities

Pilot doors

An EU initiative aiming to empower energy communities to put citizens in the driver’s seat for energy-saving renovation projects, the support service for citizen-led renovations launched its first open call on 24 April 2023. EU-based renewable or citizen energy communities looking for support were invited to respond to the call which closed on 31 May.

4 pilot energy communities were selected to receive support in strengthening community-building and setting up or replicating programmes for the energy renovation of buildings including through insulation, new technical systems and renewable installations:

  • Energent - Belgium
  • Izgrei - Bulgaria
  • Triple SEC - Ireland
  • Coopernico - Portugal

The citizen-led renovation initiative aims at helping these pilot projects to overcome financial, legal, technical, and information barriers and deliver future-proof residential buildings.

To ensure effective and efficient communication and dissemination of the learnings of the initiative, a new website was launched on 20 July 2023 to gather insights on the project’s activities and encourage replication across the EU.

The link to an exchange platform, as well as a network of relevant projects and initiatives in the fields of energy communities and energy-saving renovation, will soon be available on the website.

For further questions regarding the initiative and possibilities to participate in the network, contact citizen-led-renovationatsteinbeis-europa [dot] de (citizen-led-renovation[at]steinbeis-europa[dot]de).




Publication date
20 July 2023