The Citizen-led renovation initiative has launched an Open Call looking for participants motivated to change their communities by making use of the support service. In order to make the application process as accessible and easy as possible, the initiative is organising two webinars aiming to provide comprehensive information on how you can participate in this transformative initiative focused on advancing clean energy projects in communities. The first webinar, scheduled for 23 April from 16-17 CEST. Additionally, there will be one webinar on 14 May from 16-17 CEST. During both sessions, we'll walk you through the application process step by step. A representative of the Phase I pilots will attend both webinars and give insights into their experience with the support service, answer your questions and provide you with an outlook into their future projects.
Gain a thorough understanding of the support available and get answers to your questions. You can sign up for both webinars here:
23 April 16-17 CEST: Register here
14 May 16.17 PM CEST: Register here
- Publication date
- 10 April 2024
- Author
- Directorate-General for Energy