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Citizen-led renovation
  • News article
  • 24 June 2024
  • Directorate-General for Energy
  • 1 min read

Staggering Response to Citizen-led Renovation Phase II Call

Open Call

The support service for Citizen-led renovation (CLR) is delighted to announce the success of the Open Call launched in April 2024, which invited energy communities across Europe to participate in a support service for citizen-led energy renovations. The call received a remarkable 75 high-quality applications from 18 European countries, reflecting the need to recognise citizen-led renovation efforts and a strong and widespread interest in sustainable energy initiatives.

Diverse Participation Across Europe

The CLR Phase II Open Call aimed to attract established and prospective energy communities to engage in a collaborative effort spanning over two years to advance citizen-led renovations. The wide geographical spread of applications underscores the broad appeal and urgent need for such initiatives in Europe. 

Empowering Energy Communities

The support service for Citizen-led renovation is an EU-funded initiative designed to empower energy communities by putting citizens at the forefront of energy renovation projects. The service provides comprehensive support to overcome financial, legal, technical, and informational barriers, ensuring that community buildings are future-proof and energy efficient.

Participants in the call can engage in three distinct roles:

  • Pilots: Established energy communities will receive in-depth support in project development, implementation, and replication.
  • Learners: Emerging energy communities or those in the planning phase will be guided to develop their capacity for managing renovation projects.
  • Followers: Interested groups, including citizen groups, local authorities, NGOs, and others, will gain insights, learning materials, and networking opportunities.

Supporting Sustainable Energy Goals

The initiative aims to help communities implement energy renovations such as insulation, installation of new technical systems, and integration of renewable energy sources. By establishing strong partnerships, the CLR Phase II is set to drive progress in the EU's energy transition, focusing on creating sustainable, resilient communities.

A Collaborative Future

The overwhelming response to the call highlights the eagerness of communities across Europe to take part in this transformative journey and helping to achieve the goals of the Green Deal. By co-developing project pipelines, supporting administrative procedures, assisting in project management, and fostering citizen engagement, the CLR initiative is well-positioned to make a substantial impact.

Continuing the Momentum

With the second round of the call ending on 17 June 2024, the CLR Phase II consortium looks forward to beginning the collaborative work with these motivated communities. The selected Pilots, Learners and Followers will be announced in the upcoming weeks.

If you have any questions regarding the Call, write to: infoatcitizenledrenovation [dot] com (info[at]citizenledrenovation[dot]com)


Publication date
24 June 2024
Directorate-General for Energy