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Citizen-led renovation

REC of Postua and Guardabosone (Italy)

About the Pilot

The REC of Postua and Guardabosone, currently forming, aims at improving EE in the residential sector through the renovation of 15 buildings, which include 5 families suffering from energy poverty. The renovations are estimated to lead to an energy saving of 30%. In order to do so they aim to engage in the CLR framework and obtaining more knowledge around the creation of a local ecosystem, legal and technical aspects specific to the Italian context, monitoring and impact evaluation, communication campaigns, collective procurement practices and co-design of a sustainable business model. The investment foreseen is of 1M€, split between EE measures, renovations, technical assistance, communication and RES initiatives.

Our support

Creation of a Local Ecosystem: Technical assistance is essential to facilitate collaboration among local stakeholders such as banks, municipalities, and local contractors. This engagement requires knowledge of local dynamics but needs funding opportunities to ensure a strong and collaborative ecosystem. Legal and Regulatory Aspects: Specialized technical support is essential to navigate the complex regulatory and legal framework related to renovation. This includes understanding building regulations, environmental regulations, and authorization procedures necessary to ensure all activities comply with current laws and regulations. Progress and Impact Monitoring: Technical assistance includes the development and implementation of monitoring systems or indicators to evaluate the progress of renovation projects and their impact on energy efficiency, carbon emissions, and environmental quality. This data is essential to assess the effectiveness of actions taken and make any necessary course corrections. Co-Design of the Business Model: Technical assistance supports the co-design of the citizen-led renovation service business model. This involves defining sustainable financial strategies, assessing the costs and benefits of various intervention options, and seeking alternative funding sources to ensure the service's profitability and scalability over time. Communication and Engagement Campaigns: Technical assistance includes designing and implementing communication, marketing, and engagement campaigns to raise local community awareness about the importance of energy renovation and actively involve them in the decision-making process. This helps create awareness and increase public support for energy improvement initiatives. Collective Purchase Actions: Technical assistance facilitates collective purchase actions and project bundling to achieve economies of scale in material and service costs, thus making energy renovation more accessible for a larger number of residents and local businesses.