‘Citizen-Led Renovation’ is a new EU initiative aiming to empower energy communities and put citizens in the driver’s seat for energy-saving renovation projects. Its support service will strengthen community building and assist in replicating programmes for energy renovations of buildings, including insulation, new technical systems and installing renewables. The initiative will help selected pilot projects to overcome financial, legal, technical and informational barriers and deliver future-proof residential buildings.
Renewable or citizen energy communities located in the EU are invited to indicate their interest to receive support for their citizen-led renovation projects. Energy communities that are about to be launched, as well as one-stop shops on renovation collaborating with up to 3 renewable or citizen energy communities, can also apply. A joint application of energy communities is also possible if applicants are adequately similar.
Under the call for pilot projects, up to 3 pilot initiatives will be selected (with a further 3 initiatives on a reserve list) for participation in the support service for citizen-led renovation projects.
The call for applications will be launched today, 24 April 2023, and closes on 31 May 2023 at 24.00 (CET). Assistance to the selected pilot projects will be provided between June 2023 and November 2024.
To submit an application, a simple online form needs to be filled in and proof of registration of the Citizen Energy Community/Renewable Energy Community needs to be uploaded.
The explanatory document also includes a quick guide for applicants and is available in 10 languages (English, Croatian, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Portuguese or Spanish).
For other further questions regarding the call, contact citizen-led-renovationsteinbeis-europa [dot] de (citizen-led-renovation[at]steinbeis-europa[dot]de).
- Publication date
- 24 April 2023 (Last updated on: 24 April 2023)
- Author
- Directorate-General for Energy